Jupiter in Aquarius ♃ 2020-2021
Dec 19, 2020 – May 13, 2021
Jupiter profoundly influences human life from year to year. It takes 12 years for Jupiter to circle the Sun; twelve constellations in twelve years = one full year per constellation. This upcoming year Jupiter will travel through eccentric Aquarius.
Since Dec 2, 2019, Jupiter has been spinning in Capricorn. 2020 has been a massive shit storm and I don’t even have to tell you why, but I can shed some light on what Jupiter’s influence has been. Jupiter in Capricorn brought us right down to the ground to remind us of all the work we have yet to do here on earth. This transit demanded that we stay in one place (whether we like it or not!), get rooted, and meditate on our goals and plans. This year forced us to rethink our careers and education, i.e. the Capricorn foundation of our lives. Jupiter in Capricorn showed us the importance of financial/professional security. Capricorn is associated with structured environments like universities, governments, businesses, etc. We have all been much more exposed to these kinds of institutions over the last year as we grapple with a collective crisis. What we learned from Jupiter in Capricorn is that we need to be more diligent and invested in public infrastructure. We have also been forced to look many years into the future, see ourselves working with great passion and purpose, and determine what we need to do now in order to achieve that vision. We learned that we have to collaborate on our goals and take risks together. I do believe that we will solve our problems by creating and discovering new resources/professions.
Now Jupiter in Aquarius. Think back to Jan 2009 – January 2010. Think about what was going on in your life and know that the same themes are about to come rushing back. This next year provides an opportunity to expand upon these themes and continue working on whatever was left unfinished.
Consider the qualities of earth (Capricorn): earth is slow, solid, hardworking; focused on home and money; focused on career and structure; and cosmic earth, when shaken, results in an earthquake which upends our collective sense of safety and security. The qualities of Aquarius are very different from Capricorn. As an air element, Aquarius embodies all that moves, thinks, and speaks. Aquarius comes in like a lightning bolt of radical change.
Jupiter in Aquarius takes us to places we’ve never been before. This is the year to demand change; to be the change. Those who gather to march in the streets and scream truth to power carry the crystal turquoise banner of Aquarius. Nothing about Aquarius is meek or quiet or submissive. It is time to rise up and transform the very fabric of social culture. I know that sounds far-fetched, maybe impossible, but the time is now. We cannot wait any longer. Lives depend on this evolution.
Aquarius is associated with exciting sectors of life like science, technology, genetics, astronomy, social media, social justice – all things which are progressive and move humanity forward. We’ve already gotten a taste of this as we spend exponentially more time on screens, connecting with one another on digital platforms instead of in person. We have to be careful – all this screen time and isolation is not doing us any favors, but we are, without a doubt, doing what we have to do to survive these times. We are being resourceful and utilizing existing technology.
2021 will see a huge migration of people across international borders. Some of that change and movement will be voluntary – new job opportunities, new love, a thirst for something different. But most of this movement will be involuntary. It will come as a result of war and unrest. People will be forced to leave their homes. The big question is not where they will go, but how they will be received. Aquarius is the heartbeat of humanity. This archetype teaches us to love and accept everyone: natives, refugees, migrants, children, women, queer folks, BIPOC, everyone everyone.
As I write this post, I feel just as apprehensive as I do excited. I don’t know what’s coming, only that it’s big and unforeseen. The very nature of Aquarius is totally unpredictable and unexpected. Remember this: nothing will go to plan. There is no such thing as logical, linear unfolding with Jupiter in Aquarius. What I can tell you is that we are going on an adventure, a journey to faraway lands. It will not be easy but holy shit we are going to learn so much. Prepare yourself internally for everything to change. Though it will feel abrupt and upsetting at first, we have to trust that these changes are ultimately for the best.
Ok the big event coming up soon is Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on the Winter Solstice (Dec 21). This is the closest conjunction of these planets since 1623, so insane. Everything about this conjunction is life-affirming, invigorating, and confidence-inducing. It’s time to move forward with new ideas, new circumstances, new plans. We have so much energy coming in that we just need to be realistic about how much we can handle; what we have already established in our lives will be challenged by this influx. Focus on what has already been established and use this as a launch pad for new progressive trajectories.
This conjunction is a divine marriage between freedom (Jupiter) and structure (Saturn). The great news is that we’ll have so many opportunities that we get to choose what most excites and fulfills us. We can bring more light and flexibility to the stodgy, responsible nature of Saturn. For example, you might take a break from work, receive some much-needed support (especially from older, wiser mentors), or perhaps experience an internal shift in regards to what it means to be accountable, or how to move beyond insecurities. See your flaws and fears as invaluable teachers.
If you’ve been thinking about working for yourself, this is the perfect time to start. Call in more liberation and less restrictions. We can be dependable and independent; realistic and optimistic. We can be strong without being rigid; focused without being anxious. This is a very special time when new understanding allows us to let go of old opinions or perspectives which no longer serve us. What was once unacceptable or unthinkable we now see in a new, positive light. We are exploring what we are really capable of.
On Jan 17, Jupiter squares Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is ruler of Aquarius, so we know right away that we’re facing even more abrupt changes. This square brings more unusual, unpredictable energy – and yes, it’s challenging, at least in appearances, at least right now. The wise will adapt quickly to harness these bumps and waves to their advantage. When we look back, we will see these changes as a blessing, but that’s not how it will feel at first. Focus on the big picture; trust in cosmic patterns.
Once again, we need to reexamine what we think we are capable of, or what we are willing to take on. We’re going to encounter people and situations that we didn’t think we would, and that’s ok. This is not a comfortable or predictable time, and that’s ok too. There is no such thing as normal life anymore, I can’t stress that enough. The more you cling to the past and the status quo, the more difficult this time will be. It is also important to trust in divine timing – we have absolutely no control over this new trajectory. Stay open and flexible. Be patient when new challenges arise, because they definitely will, and yes, it’s going to feel miserable at times, but the idea is to plan plan plan and then be prepared to throw your entire plan out at the last moment.
We don’t have to temper this revolutionary, rebellious energy – just let it flow. The best part about Aquarian/Uranian influence is that YOU get to make and set your own boundaries. This is a time of unprecedented liberation and non-conformism.
Please be aware that any travel at this time will not go according to plan. It will be exciting, but not necessarily in a good way – think disruptions and sudden changes.
Celebrate Jupiter’s first day in Aquarius with Aquarius Yoga. Meditate on the root chakra. If you were born with Jupiter in Aquarius, this year is your Jupiter Return. Click here to find your Jupiter sign.
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<3 <3 <3