Solar Eclipse in Leo 🐱 Aug 11, 2018

Saturday, Aug 11 at 2.59am PST Happy new moon and happy solar eclipse! Eclipses represent rebirth and the dawning of a new age. We just had a solar eclipse in July, and a momentous full moon lunar eclipse on July 27. Now another solar eclipse in Leo, just like the epic solar eclipse of August Read More

Uranus Retrograde ♅ Aug 7 – Jan 6

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: Aug 7 – Nov 6 Uranus Retrograde in Aries: Nov 6 – Jan 6, 2019 Uranus in Aries: Jan 6 – Mar 6, 2019 Planets in retrograde are not actually spinning backwards – it is an optical illusion as seen from Earth. Backwards motion appears to happen when Earth passes slower moving planets Read More