Aquarius Yoga

Aquarius rules the circulatory system, ankles, Achilles, calves, shins.
Prana vayu : vyana // Ayurvedic dosha : vata
Meditation : muladhara (root chakra)
Circulating breath : As Aquarius rules the circulatory system, let’s see if we can visualize our breath following these pathways in the body. This is a third eye exercise and a breathing exercise. As you breathe, visualize turquoise light entering the nostrils and filling the lungs. See this light wrap around the heart. With each successive breath this light begins to pulsate out, down the arms, through the trunk, up through the crown. Like an electrical current the breath is carried weightlessly by the blood.
Asana :
- sit back and kneel on the ankles with toes facing forward, pads of the toes on the earth
- downward dog twist with one hand reaching to the outside of the opposite leg’s calf, thumb kept pointing up
- cross one shin over one calf and begin to sit back – this should be very intense. Starting on your shins in virasana, hero’s pose, come forward on your hands and cross the right shin over the left calf with knees remaining close together or even touching. Basically you are sandwiching one calf between the other. Keeping this, begin to sit back on your calves and allow the weight of your body to apply pressure on the bottom calf. Switch.
- uttanasana (forward fold) with blocks under the balls of the feet
- hanumanasana (monkey pose)